
What’s your story?

I work with organizations to craft effective interactions through story-based approaches. The solutions themselves vary widely, from websites to physical environments, including:

  • developing strategies for social media (Web 2.0) and community-driven websites,
  • provide a framework for developing new products and services,
  • facilitating and improving communications within teams and with external stakeholders,
  • and developing web, video, and multimedia content.

Each solution shares a commitment to connection and communication, and is hand-crafted to address the unique requirements and goals of the project. Creating a compelling experience requires understanding the organization, the audience, and the medium. The end-product connects the worlds of design, marketing, and advertising through usable, useful, and desirable solutions that work.

In the connected world, your story is told by everyone you come in contact with, whether virtually or in person. An effective interaction design strategy can help tell your story more effectively, whether you are looking to increase awareness, communicate more effectively, or connect more deeply with current or prospective clients.

Storytelling Projects

I’m currently involved in three different projects that tell the stories of Denver and Colorado. Each has a different perspective and approach.

Buckfifty is a website dedicated to offering 150 expressions of Denver History, Culture, and Community in honor of Denver’s 150th anniversary. I edit and publish it with Jill Hadley Hooper.

Mile High Stories,
I created Mile High Stories along with Tim Roessler of Wicked Lemons and Daniel Weinshenker of the Center for Digital Storytelling. Daniel and Tim are experts in creating digital stories (two for four minute personal stories), and have worked with the Colorado Historical Society to capture personal histories of Denver and Colorado. We also did a residency at the Platteforum, a community organization focused on connecting youth with the arts.

Denver Story Trek,
Denver Story Trek is a project of Historic Denver, Inc., and the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs designed to highlight the city’s historic sites, offer a new way to experience the past and encourage personal connections with the places that make our city unique.

Story and Experience Design